Repurposing Pots
Anything that has volume and can hold soil may be used to make a pot for pollinators, to grow herbs for the kitchen, to grow some vegetables and to make a personal connection to nature. The main thing to consider is how much room your plants will need. Here are some ideas…
Large Yoghurt Pot – ideal for growing single herb plants.
Small yoghurt – Great for “drinking stations” and work well for germinating seeds.
Black meat/veg trays – excellent seed trays.
Clear meat/veg trays – great as mini propagator lids over your seed trays.
Old baths – perfect for small permaculture beds or raised veg garden in a small courtyard or patio.
Bucket with a hole in it – perfect for a balcony pot for pollinators, or for growing baby trees.
Hopefully these ideas may get you going, and you will see them used in the various designs available on this site.
Building a mixed pot for a patio, using an old metal baby bath – Step by Step Guide
An Introduction I found this old baby bath at a car boot sale. It’s a great size for some mixed planting with a “mini pond” and some habitats for bugs. Think drainage and soil support The bath has no holes so could get waterlogged in heavy rain. To help avoid this...
Building a Balcony pot, ginger mint – Step by step guide
Ginger mint, a bees’ drinking station, and shelter for critters- a step by step guide for a pot suitable for a small balcony.