Repurposing Pots

Anything that has volume and can hold soil may be used to make a pot for pollinators, to grow herbs for the kitchen, to grow some vegetables and to make a personal connection to nature. The main thing to consider is how much room your plants will need. Here are some ideas…

Large Yoghurt Pot – ideal for growing single herb plants.

Small yoghurt – Great for “drinking stations” and work well for germinating seeds.

Black meat/veg trays – excellent seed trays.

Clear meat/veg trays – great as mini propagator lids over your seed trays.

Old baths – perfect for small permaculture beds or raised veg garden in a small courtyard or patio.

Bucket with a hole in it – perfect for a balcony pot for pollinators, or for growing baby trees.

Hopefully these ideas may get you going, and you will see them used in the various designs available on this site.